The Zenilman Family

Ari Yechiel (הי"ד)

Ari was born in January 1991 to Rob and Lisa Zenilman.
Originally a New York native, Ari and his family made Aliyah in 2005, when he was 14
 and settled in Maale Adumim.

Ari barely knew Hebrew but insisted on speaking with his friends to learn the
 language as quickly as possible. A brilliant and diligent student, Ari finished high
 school a year early and went on to study in the Har Etzion hesder yeshiva. He
 joined the Nachal Brigade and served as a combat soldier. Having completed his
 mandatory army service, Ari continued to report for reserve duty as needed. He
 studied Philosophy, Economics and Political science at Hebrew University.

After Ari and Chava got married, they lived in the Hayovel area of Jerusalem. They had three beautiful kids together: Achiya, Talia and Maayan Nechama.

Ari worked for the Israeli high-tech company, Mobileye, as an Algorithm Data
 Analyst. He was much loved and valued employee.

Fighting to restore Israel's Honor

On October 7th Ari reported to the 8111th battalion of the 5th
Brigade as a combat soldier.
 By noon, Ari and his unit were already engaged in heavy fighting in Kibbutz
 Kissufim and Reim where they took out dozens of terrorists. Ari and
 his fellow soldiers took a significant role in the fighting that commenced inside
 Gaza. Whenever he was asked what he was fighting for, Ari always said
to restore Israel’s lost honor that was so brutally taken on the morning of
 Simchat Torah and that he was proud to be a part of the generation who
 could enable the Jewish people to defend themselves.

A new phase of the ground operation started in December in Khan Yunis and Ari’s
 unit were tasked with taking out terrorists and destroying underground tunnels,
one of which was located underneath a school.

On December 10th 2023 Ari and his comrades located two terrorists who proceeded to open fire on them and detonate a massive explosive device.
Ari fell in the line of duty together with another four of his team members.

Life after Ari

Ari left behind a dear wife, Chava, a medical student just beginning
 her formal internship. He also left behind three adorable kids:

In Memorium

Accompanying Ari
Zenilman (הי"ד)

A letter
from Ari
