The Lavi Family

Tzvika Lavi (הי"ד)

Tzvika was born in April 1993 in Moshav Carmel to Moshe and Miriam Lavi.
Tzvika studied at the Kiryat Arba yeshiva high school with the goal of combining torah study
 with army service. He trained hard and was accepted to the elite Sayeret
 Matkal special forces unit. He then rose to the elite Maglan commando unit.

Tzvika was well-known for his love of Torah and kind deeds,
always the first to volunteer his time and effort for others.
He was working on MA in Social Work and had worked for the past two years at a Dual Diagnosis facility, helping to treat patients with severe ailments.

A True Israeli Hero

On Simchat Torah Tzvika joined his unit the 551st Commando Brigade.
Tzvika together with his unit entered Gaza and fought with exemplary bravery. His
 team entered Bet Lahiya in the northern Gaza Strip and launched major raids on the
 terrorist infrastructure there.
Tzvika was critically injured when a bomb went off near him. He was evacuated to a
 hospital and lay there with mortal injuries for three weeks until he passed away.

He was thirty years old and leaves behind his wife Talia and three children; Shaked, Amitai and Aviv.

Life after Tzvika

Tzvika left behind his wife Talia, who works in occupational therapy and three adorable children:
Shaked, now 5, an adorable and precocious young girl
Amitai, a 3 year old bundle of energy
Aviv, a 12 month old toddler who brings much needed light and hope to all the family

In Memorium

Tzvika Lavi

We were one
  Tzvika and Talia
