The Steinberg Family

Yehonatan Steinberg (הי"ד)

Yehonatan was born in 5741, to Daniel Yosef and Yehudit Steinberg, as the second in a
 family of five. Yoni grew up in Givat Ze’ev and studied at “Horev” high school yeshiva
 and Maale Eliyahu yeshiva in Tel Aviv.
From a young age, Yoni was proactive and responsible; active in the Bnei Akiva branch.
 volunteering in security and MDA and even established
an MDA youth group in the community.

 Yehonatan enlisted in the IDF in June 2000 to the Nahal Brigade. He went
 through a combat soldier course and a combat officer course. He then returned
to Battalion 931, was appointed a platoon commander, and participated
 in combat against Palestinian terrorism during the Second Intifada.

In 2015, he was promoted to Lieutenant Colonel and battalion commander. In 2019, he was promoted to Colonel and commander of the Benjamin Brigade. He then attended the National Security College in Cycle 49 and in 2022, was appointed commander of the Tactical Training Center in the IDF, a position he held until 2023. On May 28, 2023, he was appointed commander of the Nahal Brigade.

Yoni was a loving husband and devoted father; whenever he returned home,
he immediately engaged in whatever was needed, regardless of how tired or busy he
was from his military activities.

First on the Front

Early on Simchat Torah, Yoni was awakened at home by a call informing
him that terrorists had infiltrated communities and that Nahal soldiers in
Kerem Shalom were fighting them.

Yoni took his personal weapon and left to join them. On his way, he ordered the brigade
 to prepare for war, maintaining continuous contact with his soldiers and commanders,
 and ensure the closure of Road 242 toward the Gaza border.
Near the Maon intersection, he fell in a heroic battle, fighting alone against
12 terrorists who ambushed him on both sides of the road.

Thanks to his actions, the road served as a central route for
security and rescue forces during the critical hours of the first day of the war.

Yoni was the first IDF casualty publicly acknowledged in this war.

Life After Yehonatan

Yoni left behind his wife Yiska and their six children Shira 18, Uri 17, Naama 14,
Beniya, 11, Shilo 9
and Achia, 6
The family resides in Shomria.


Heroism and Humility -
Nahal Brigade Commander
