The Moreno Family

Itaï Shlomo (הי"ד)

Itaï Shlomo was born in August 1999 to Moshe and Tamar
Itaï grew up in the moshav of Aderet, studied at “Derech Avot,” and served as a
 counselor and guide in the Bnei Akiva youth movement. He played basketball on
 the school team, loved to travel, and played guitar. After finishing high school, he
 joined the “Keshet” program in preparation for his IDF service.

 Itaï enlisted in the IDF in 2018 for service in Maglan.
He graduated from the commandos’ course. At the end of the program,
 he served as a team and platoon navigator. During his service. Itaï joined
 the Ministry of Defense in 2021 after completing a combat course.

 Itaï was modest and humble, driven by a sense of mission and love for his land

In His Light

Itaï was the nephew of Lieutenant Colonel Emmanuel Moreno, who was killed in
 the Second Lebanon War. He admired his uncle and aspired to be like him. After
 extensive training and efforts, he applied to the Sayeret Matkal, but he did not
 pass. That day, Itaï wrote: “Better a glorious failure than dreams in a drawer.”

 Itaï quickly recovered from the disappointment and served in Sayeret Maglan.

On the fifth day of the war, Itaï, like his uncle 17 years earlier, fought heroically against the terrorists and was killed.

Fighter Until the End

On the morning of Simchat Torah, Itaï was at his parents’ home in Adarot. Itaïwas
called up and decided to join his fellow fighters and head to Gaza. He said
goodbye to his beloved wife Gal, his parents, and his younger siblings, and set
 out to fight alongside his team.

 Itaï and his team fought bravely to cleanse the area of Hamas terrorists.
On Wednesday, October 1, the fifth day of the war, Itaï’s unit stopped at a gas
 station in Barur Chaim before heading south to continue the fight where he met
 his father and brother, who were traveling to volunteer. The three were very
 happy and parted with a strong hug, the last hug.

An hour later, near Kibbutz Zikim, Itaï’s unit encountered a group of terrorists. Itaï and his friends bravely engaged in battle. They eliminated the terrorists, but three were injured: Daniel Kastiel, Ido Kasselsi, and Itaï were killed.

Life After Itaï Shlomo

Itaï left behind his wife Gal, who recently celebrated
 their third wedding anniversary without him.
They lived in Yad Mordechai.


A child
of smiles

His dream
to be like him
