Dear Friends,

Koach Tzvika has had the privilege
of being at the forefront of the war efforts.

We have seen the incredible giving back of our wonderful nation
to those who have suffered. The barbeques paid for
and organized by you, our Jewish family for our brave soldiers.

The moments of comfort brought to shiva homes .

The visits and ensuing smiles brought to hospital beds .

We have been here, on the ground as your representatives
to our brothers and sisters.

Together, you partnered with us to bring  joy in times of sorry but
 now, as the dust settles we ask ourselves, what of their future?


I am asking local Jewish communities to embark on a brand new
never done before initiative together with
Koach Tzvika!



The goal of this initiative is to match a specific family to a shul
or community. This shul/community will “adopt” the family and
 literally care for them as their own family.
This relationship will be direct with no middleman.
Just one connected family.

This adoption means so much more than just financial support.
This is partnership so that they do not navigate their future alone.
We will physically become a part of their extended family.


Emotional needs

Frequent phone calls
Visits when you are in Israel
Invitations to visit
Birthdays and anniversaries to be remembered
Support on day of yartzheit
Guidance and advice on lifes biggest questions ie schooling, shidduchim….
Financial needs
Direct payment for extras such as yom tov clothing
Help with babysitting expenses
Help with cleaning expenses
Additional help in simcha times
Physical needs
Gifts for yom tov for the wife and children
Extra clothing when necessary, gloves coats, shoes
Games  and activities for the children
Extra support when a child or the mother is not feeling well or sick

We are asking for everlasting emotional family connections.
The goal is ensuring these families become truly a part of ours and
are cared for no differently than we would care for our biological
brothers and sisters. So that our futures are intertwined as one
family.   We want these families to have faces and names and
phone numbers to be part of your weekly check-ins, to really
feel that they actually have a loving, supportive, real family in Am Yisrael.

Please Contact Us Today and I will contact you Personally

Zvi Berg

Honoring their Past, Protecting their future.