The Meir Family

David (הי"ד)

David was born in May 1992 in Kochav Hashachar to Yair and Chaya and Yair
 as the youngest of seven children. He studied at the Kiryat Arba yeshiva then
 studied in Eli and Itamar. He served for six years in the IDF then moved
on to a real-estate company.

 David was an energetic and mischievous child. A natural born leader yet modest
 and kind-hearted. David was an outdoorsman, passionate about motorbikes,
 quad bikes, trekking and poetry. He believed in the deep connection between
 the Jewish people and the Land of Israel. A true mensch, he always made time

for friends and family and was doting and devoted to his wife
Anat and son Shaked.

The Fearless Warrior

Brave, sharp and determined, David was considered a natural candidate for the
 Officers Course passing with flying colors, and later obtaining the rank of
 Major in the elite Sayeret Matkal unit.

 On Simchat Torah morning David deployed to Gaza with his team.
Their first mission was to take out the terrorists who’d infiltrated Kibbutz Kfar Aza.
 They helped evacuate the wounded and then moved onto Kibbutz Beeri. There they
 took part in saving countless residents who’d been holed up in their homes since the early hours of that day.

As David’s team prepared to launch a rescue operation involving the hostages,
 he was shot and seriously wounded. Not wanting to cause delays, he shuffled
 off to the side and lay beneath a house. He tried holding on but realized that
 his time was nearly passing a message to his wife– “tell her that I love her and our son and that I’m sorry.”

40 minutes later, as he was evacuated by a rescue helicopter but died at the hospital upon arrival. The medical team who’d treated David in the field under heavy fire hadn’t realized that he was critical because in his bravery he hadn’t let on the seriousness of his wounds. Through his sacrifice, together with many others on that day, he saved countless lives.

Life after David

Anat and David were a couple hopelessly in love.
She says that she married the man of her dreams and was left behind with Shaked.


David and Anats' love story was cut short - but his matchmaking start-up continues.
