The Klein Family

Elchanan (הי"ד)

Elchanan was born in July 1994 to Rabbi Yehuda and Yael Klein,
 and grew up in the village of Shadmot Mehola, with 9 siblings.
 He learned in Elon Moreh Yeshiva, and enlisted as a combat soldier in the Kfir Brigade.

Hila and Elhanan lived in Einav with his wife Hila and worked at Channel 14 and was considered a diligent,
dedicated, and happy worker.

Elchanan’s Bravery

One year ago, Elchanan was driving near Giv’at Asaf and he noticed a terrorist
attempting to open a car door.
Without hesitation, Elhanan stopped his car and neutralized the attacker,
 preventing a major loss of life. For this act of bravery, Elhanan received
 a Certificate of Excellence from Brigadier General Avi Blut.

On Simchat Torah, October 7, 2023, shortly after the start
of Operation Iron Shields, Elchanan deployed as a squad commander
with the Ephraim Brigade.

Tragedy on the way home
from Reserve duty

On a sunny November 2nd Elchanan, called his wife, Hila, informing her that he
had received leave and was on his way home. Hila informed her workplace that she wouldn’t come in that day, so they could spend the short leave from the army together.

Just moments before reaching home, terrorists in a vehicle
opened fire towards Elchanan’s car.
He was hit by the bullets, causing him to lose control,
 and his car veered off and flipped.

On the 17th of February, about 3 months after Elchanan died,
Hila gave birth to a beautiful and healthy daughter.

 Hila shared her feelings about this momentous occasion: “the pregnancy was a gift – ever
 since Elchanan was killed life had stopped for me but the pregnancy continued. The birth
 itself gave me mixed feelings – bittersweet joy knowing that Elchanan isn’t here with me but
 knowing that he is looking down on us from above and showering us with love.”

In Memorium
