The Eliyahu Family

Yedidya Eliyahu (הי"ד)

Yedidya was born in Jerusalem in December 1997 (ג’ בכסלו תשנ”ח) as one of
 eleven children to proud parents Rabbi Yoram and Ziva Eliyahu. He studied at the
 Morasha Talmud Torah, continuing on to Naveh yeshiva high school and then a
 full time yeshiva in Tzfat.

Yedidya combined his army service with Yeshiva studies via the Hesder program and joined the Combat Engineering corps. Shortly after completing his army service and rejoining his yeshiva, he married Meitar and moved to Ramat Gilad in the Samaria region.

Yedidya’s dream was to combine his love of Torah with his desire to live
 life to its fullest. Thus, he’d study Torah while working in construction – building the
 country physically and spiritually.

The Ultimate Warrior

On October 7th just after Simchat Torah, Yedidya deployed with his unit to
 the Gaza border. He was adamant about taking part in the war as he saw it as
 restoring Israel’s lost honor. Once ground operations commenced, Yedidya
 insisted that he be given a frontline role and joined the combat engineering
 forces as they cleared the way for the rest of the army.

 On November 3rd after six days of heavy fighting during which he fought with
 singular bravery, Yedidya was killed by a piece of shrapnel that entered his
 armored personnel carrier. He was twenty-five years old.

He leaves behind his pregnant wife, Meitar and three children: Maor Ziva, Avigail and Porat Avia, who was born four months after Yedidya’s death.

Life after Yedidya

Yedidya left behind his pregnant wife, Meitar and three children:
Maor Ziva, now 4, a sweet young boy
Avigail, is 2, cute and playful in her own special way
Porat Avia, who was born four months after Yedidya’s death.

In Memoriam

"Living the dream" – In memory of staff sergeant (res.) Yedidya Eliyahu (הי"ד)
