The Amsalem Family

Avichai Amsalem (הי"ד)

Avichai was born in May 1993 and grew up in Hadera. As a young boy, he studied at
the Tachkemoni Elementary School and moved on to the Midrashat Noam yeshiva
 high school. Having completed his high school education Avichai then went to
 study at the Shavei Hebron yeshiva in Hebron.

He then joined the IDF’s Kfir Brigade as a combat soldier and in 2016 married Tal. After his service, Avichai and Tal moved to Kiryat Arba so that he could resume studying in Yeshiva. Avichai and Tal had three daughters together: Talia, Maor and Shachari who was born three months after Avichai was killed in action.

While doing his reserve duty Avichai decided that he wanted to still contribute and
 was accepted into the prestigious 551st Commando Brigade.
Avichai and Tal lived at the “Talpiot” boarding school for at risk teenage girls.

He was a father figure to girls who came from difficult backgrounds. Through
perseverance and gentleness he was able to make
a significant and positive impact on the girls’ lives.

 On October 7th Avichai deployed to the Shaar HaNegev area taking part
 in the fierce fighting there.

 Two days later, Avichai was killed in action while helping to the secure the area.
He and his team were responsible for saving hundreds of lives by their selfless actions.
 He leaves behind his wife, Tal and his children Talia, Maor and Shachari.

Life after Avichai

Avichai left his wife, Tal, five months pregnant with their third daughter
who was born three months later, and two lovely girls:
Talia, now 6, an adorable young girl just about to start elementary school
Maor, is 4 and a beautiful and engaging child
Shachari, almost a year old, a gorgeous baby that provides hope and joy when its most needed.

In Memorium

To Touch Their Light
Avichai Amsalem

Farewell – In Memory of Seargent Major
Avichai Amsalem z"l
