The Nedlin Family

Yaakov (הי"ד)

Yaakov was born in June, 1987, in Kazakhstan, to Yafim and Galina Nedlin.

Yaakov made Aliyah on his own and at the age of 17.
He joined the IDF as a combat soldier in the Duchifat battalion. He helped establish a club for Lone Soldiers in Haifa.

An alumni of Technion, Yaakov was a talented mechanical engineer and
 entrepreneur who created a start-up company and developed a patented
 device for heart fillibrations.

Always the First to Volunteer

On the 7th of October 2023, Yaakov reported for duty as deputy company commander at
 the 7037th battalion in the Shomron Brigade near Kedumim.

 On Friday the 13th of October 2023, (כ”ט תשרי תשפ”ד) Maayan and the kids phoned him
 up to wish him Shabbat Shalom and to tell him how much they missed him and how
 proud they were of him. Yaakov replied that he also really missed them but that he had to
 keep the conversation short as he needed to deal with a situation in the field.

About an hour later, he was killed in the line of duty from friendly fire

We are Going to be Victorious!

A few days before he was killed in action,
Yaakov sent the following message to his troops:

 “B Company, I want you guys to know it and believe it – we’re the right guys,
 in the right place at the right time.
I can see it in everyone’s eyes – the values, the pain and the willingness to do
 whatever’s necessary in order for Israel to overcome this massive tragedy.

Please G-d we’ll turn this fateful event into a victory for us and for the people of Israel – a victory of good over evil. I won’t take off my uniform until every last
hostage is freed whatever decision is made by the government.
We are going to be victorious!”

Life after Yaakov

Leaving behind his wife Maayan and four children;
 Evyatar, Yaheli, Noga and Netta.

In Memorium

In Memorium

