The Weiss Family

Ilan Weiss (הי"ד)

Ilan was married to Neta, and together they had seven wonderful children.
He was a dedicated educator at a high school in Ma’ale Adumim,
an amazing father and a loving husband, investing everything in his family.
 His children knew he was always there for them.

 Ilan was a grandfather to a lovely granddaughter, Yahav.
He married off his daughter Racheli two weeks before his passing.

Fighter Until the End

On Simchat Torah, Ilan was called up for reserve duty in the armored corps.
 Initially, he was sent to the north, where he served for four months defending
 the area. After a short break at home, Ilan was called up to go to the Gaza Strip.

Ilan did not hesitate at all and set out to fight alongside his friends On tJune 15 in the city of Gaza, an explosive Ilan did not hesitate at all and set out to fight alongside his friends On tJune 15 in the city of Gaza, an explosive 

device detonated on the tank Ilan was in,
and Ilan and another soldier were killed on the spot.

Life After Ilan Weiss

Ilan left behind his wife Neta, a midwife at Shaare
 Zedek Hospital, their seven wonderful children,
 and his granddaughter Yahav



A great man from
small deeds
